An outstanding scientist of the 20th century who pioneered studies of the molecular and quantum computing processes in living cells
Founded a new branch of science that brings together biology, physics and mathematics
Graduated from the Moscow State University School of Physics
Received his Ph.D. in physics and mathematics (1959) and Habilitation degree in biology (1963)
Held research positions at the Institute of Biophysics, and the Institute for Information Transmission Problems at the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union
Published “The Cell as a Molecular Computer (m.c.),” a seminal paper that introduced a new scientific approach to understanding the life phenomenon
Received the USSR State Award for studying molecular generators and transformers of electric current
Put forward a hypothesis on quantum computing in living systems
Made a number of experimental discoveries, including color coding in the retina, the participation mechanisms of Ca2+ ions in synaptic transmission, and the measurement of potential in the coupling membranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts
Special issue of BioSystems “Fundamental principles of biological computation: From molecular computing to biological complexity” commemorates the first publication of Efim Liberman on biological computation at its 50th anniversary.

First to discover the effect of coding in the nervous system
Developed a unique “penetrating-ion method,” measured the membrane potential of mitochondria and chloroplasts, and, eventually, proved that electricity is the basis of all energetics in the biosphere
Gave a new definition to a living being as a molecular computer operating per a DNA code
Put down an idea that quantum computing is utilized for finding solutions for complex intra-cell control problems, and initiated experimental testing of this hypothesis
V.2. №4. pp. 427-430
On the character of information entering the brain of a frog over one nerve fiber from two receptors of the retina.
V.222. № 5198. pp. 1076-1078
Mechanism of coupling of oxidative phosphorylation and the membrane potential of mitochondria.
V.17. №5. pp. 979-993
The cell as a molecular computer (m.c.). I. General ideas and hypotheses.
V.28. №1. pp. 197-201
A limiting molecular quantum regulator.
Discovery of links between the biology, physics and mathematics, and founding a new area of studies focused on computations in living systems are his life achievements. Efim Liberman gave the name of “Chaimatics” to this new area of science
DNA is the text of a code written for molecular computers of living cells. The notion of “Text” is intrinsically opposite to a random sequence of symbols, and it can exist only inside the system of language. In this case, it is a genetic language, which is isomorphic to a natural language
Computations conducted in a living cell are real physical actions, and free energy and time must be spent for completing them. As all living organisms are comprised of cells, this statement is applicable to any control processes implemented in the biosphere
Molecular computations are limited by the microscopic scale of a cell and inevitable impact of the computations on formulation of a problem begin solved. The Chaimatics grew from the recognition of the computation reality as the quantum mechanics grew from the recognition of the measurement reality.
A cell creates а quantum computing tool for solving complex problems. This tool utilizes hypersound quanta, and uses the cell cytoskeleton as the computing environment. In such a computer, a price of elementary computation converges to the physical limit, which is Planck’s constant
Chaimatic's statements are simple, but they require a change in the traditional vision, rooted in scientific practice
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Chapter I
The journey of life in science