Liberman’s family tree

Sima Izrael

Azriil Liberman

Varvara Shklovskaya-Kordi

Elena Vershilova

Efim Liberman

Nikita Shklovskiy-Kordi

Michael Liberman

Peter Liberman

Svetlana Minina

Masha Liberman

Anna Liberman

Ilia Liberman

Daniil Liberman

David Liberman

Gabriel Liberman

Anna Efimovna Liberman
Anna was born on July 18, 1981, in Moscow. Following the receipt of her degree in Biology from Lomonosov Moscow State University, she started her career as an ecological auditor for the Branan Environment.
Together with her siblings Masha, Daniil, and David, Anna co-founded Fastoon/Concept Space, Frank Money, and worked as a Group Product Manager at Snap Inc., for over four years.
In 2021, Anna co-founded Libermans Co., a holding company for Product Science, Humanism, and Human.

Azriil Alterovich Liberman
Azriil was Efim Liberman's father. He was born in 1885 in Suwalki, Poland. An agronomist by profession, he died in Moscow in 1972.

Daniil Efimovich Liberman
Daniil and David are two brothers who share a single life, which they describe as "living one life for two." They share a home and work together, rarely spending any time apart.
Daniil was born on December 21st, 1982, in Moscow. Despite the age difference between him and David, the two brothers studied together, graduating simultaneously from the Maimonides Academy with majors in Mathematics and Computer Science.
Collaborating with their sisters, Masha and Anna, Daniil and David co-founded a series of ventures, including Fastoon/Concept Space, Frank Money, and Kernel AR, which Snap later acquired. At Snap, brothers held Directors of Product positions. In 2021 they founded Libermans Co., a holding company for Product Science, Humanism and Human.

David Efimovich Liberman
David and Daniil are two brothers who share a single life, which they describe as "living one life for two." They share a home and work together, rarely spending any time apart. David was born on February 22nd, 1984, in Moscow.
Despite the age difference between him and Daniil, the two brothers studied together, graduating simultaneously from the Maimonides Academy with majors in Mathematics and Computer Science.
Collaborating with their sisters, Masha and Anna, David and Daniil co-founded a series of ventures, including Fastoon/Concept Space, Frank Money, and Kernel AR, which Snap later acquired. At Snap, brothers held Directors of Product positions. In 2021 they founded Libermans Co., a holding company for Product Science, Humanism and Human.

Efim Arsentievich Liberman
Efim was born in Moscow, USSR, in 1925. He died on September 3rd, 2011, in Jerusalem, Israel. For more details about Efim's life, including on his personal story and remarkable scientific accomplishments, please browse through the other sections of this site.

Elena Borisovna Vershilova
A pianist, concertmaster, and renowned music teacher, Elena was born on June 13, 1938 in Moscow. Her father, Boris Ilyich Vershilov (Vesterman), was a theater director and teacher, and an honored artist of the RSFSR. Elena's mother, Esther Israelyevna Bongard, was an actress of the Gabima Theater. Elena was the second wife of Efim Liberman, and mother to their two children together, Michael and Peter. She was also cousin to Elim's close friend Mikhail Bongard.

Gabriel Efimovich Liberman
Gabriel was born on November 16th, 1986 in Moscow. He graduated with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Maimonides State Classical Academy. A web and software development engineer, Gabriel has collaborated with his siblings at their various companies throughout his career.

Ilia Efimovich Liberman
Ilia was born on March 13th, 1980 in Moscow.

Masha Efimovna Liberman
Masha was born on July 8, 1987 in Moscow. She received her Masters of Science in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2001, and her Postgraduate Degree in Non-Profit, Public, and Organizational Management from the Higher School of Economics, in 2006.
Early in her career, Masha transitioned from a communications leadership role at the largest Jewish NGO in Russia to forming her own NGO, the International Center for Russian & East European Jewish Studies. She began collaborating with her siblings Anna, Daniil, and David in 2007, and together they co-founded several ventures, including Fastoon/Concept Space, Frank Money, and Kernel AR. After the acquisition of Kernel AR by Snap Inc. in 2016, Masha spent over four years at the company, before co-founding Libermans Co. - a holding company for Product Science, Humanism and Human.
Additionally, she is a board member of The Fuller Project.

Michael Efimovich Liberman
Michael was born on June 20th, 1963 in Moscow. The first child of Efim Liberman and Elena Vershilova, Michael has made a name for himself in finance. Currently the Founder and CEO of Allposit, Michael previously served as Co-President and Managing Partner of BlueMountain Capital, and as Managing Director at Goldman Sachs. Prior to that, he served as a Vice President at JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Nikita Efimovich Shklovskiy-Kordi
The first child of Efim Liberman, Nikita was born on September 11th, 1952 in Moscow. A hematologist by profession for most of his career, Nikita also developed specialties in medical informatics and psychotherapy. He received his Ph.D in Biology from the Postgraduate School of Bioinformatics, Institute of Information Transmission Problems (IITP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). For more than 30 years, Nikita worked alongside Academician A.I. Vorobyov, first Minister of Health of the Russian Federation and the Director of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) Research Center for Hematology. Nikita has published over 100 scientific papers and co-authored many of his father's works on Chaimatics.

Peter Efimovich Liberman
Born on April 15th, 1974, in Moscow, Peter is the second child of Efim Liberman and Elena Vershilova. Peter graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in Computer Science and currently works for Dassault Systèmes as a Senior Manager. He specializes in automation and process and operations transformation.

Sima Khaimovna Izrael
Efim Liberman's mother, Sima was born in 1895 in Bialystok, Poland.
During her life, she worked as a math teacher. Sima died in 1972 in Moscow, in the former USSR.

Svetlana Vladimirovna Minina
Svetlana was born in Moscow on May 20, 1950. She graduated from the Department of Higher Nervous Activity at Moscow State University School of Biology. As an academic, she defended her thesis "Influence of Cyсlic Nucleotides on Membrane Potential and Impulse Activity of Neurons," in 1978. She defended her PhD, "Function of a Neuron, Role of cAMP," in 1992. Svetlana was the third wife of Efim Liberman. She is mother to their six children: Masha, Anna, Ilia, Daniil, David, and Gabriel. Authored over 50 scientific publications and co-authored many of Efim's works.

Varvara Viktorovna Shklovskaya-Kordi
Varvara was born on February 14th in 1927 in Moscow.
Her father, Viktor Shklovsky, was a renowned writer. Her mother, Vasilisa Shklovskaya-Kordi, was an artist. After her graduation from the Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Physics, Varvara worked at KB-1, where she met Efim. She later worked in the laboratory of Andrey Burov, where she helped develop ultrasound methods for treating tumors, and made further discoveries that gave rise to new scientific studies of nonlinear acoustics. Varvara was the first wife of Efim Liberman. The couple had one child together, Nikita Shklovskiy-Kordi.
Discovery of links between the biology, physics and mathematics, and founding a new area of studies focused on computations in living systems are his life achievements. Efim Liberman gave the name of “Chaimatics” to this new area of science
DNA is the text of a code written for molecular computers of living cells. The notion of “Text” is intrinsically opposite to a random sequence of symbols, and it can exist only inside the system of language. In this case, it is a genetic language, which is isomorphic to a natural language
Computations conducted in a living cell are real physical actions, and free energy and time must be spent for completing them. As all living organisms are comprised of cells, this statement is applicable to any control processes implemented in the biosphere
Molecular computations are limited by the microscopic scale of a cell and inevitable impact of the computations on formulation of a problem begin solved. The Chaimatics grew from the recognition of the computation reality as the quantum mechanics grew from the recognition of the measurement reality.
A cell creates а quantum computing tool for solving complex problems. This tool utilizes hypersound quanta, and uses the cell cytoskeleton as the computing environment. In such a computer, a price of elementary computation converges to the physical limit, which is Planck’s constant
Chaimatic's statements are simple, but they require a change in the traditional vision, rooted in scientific practice
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Chapter I
The journey of life in science