The intra-neuronal system, controlled by cAMP, works as efficiently as possible. It closes the output potassium channels of the neuron body membrane, which create a resting potential, and opens up special output sodium channels. The output potassium channels were discovered by the remarkable experimenters Olga Myakotina and Vladimir Avdonin (Minina et al., 1991). As said, the molecular computer of neurons is slow and ineffective for solving physical problems that living beings face. Such problems could be solved by an analog wave regulator using the cytoskeleton in the body of neurons as a computing medium. It is no longer a macroscopic computer, but a quantum molecular regulator (QMR). The cost of action in a QMR approaches the limit discovered by physics. It was for the QMR that the first principle of Chaimatics was formulated (Liberman et al., 1989).
The development of physics and mathematics started at a single source, which was the head and the hands of Isaac Newton, and any difference between the descriptions of the real world given by these two disciplines was invisible until the advent of computers.
It is worth noting that his manuscripts were published less than a year ago after being banned for three hundred years. Now we know: he considered his comments on the Torah to have been the most important task of his life. Sir Isaac Newton created mathematical physics and conducted physics experiments himself. The difference between the descriptions of the real world by physics and by mathematics was not noticeable until the advent of computers and Chaimatics. Isaac Newton stated that a physical quantity is determined by a measurement method. Length is something that is measured by holding a ruler against an object. Time should be measured with a clock.
However, declaring “Hypotheses non Fingo (I contrive no hypotheses),” Newton immediately accepted a wrong hypothesis that one clock determines time in all space. Albert Einstein was the first to understand the inconsistency of this statement and the need to synchronize clocks at two different points in space using the measurement procedure: measure the distance between two points, find the midpoint between them and, from there, send to each point a signal that propagates at the speed of light, which is extremely high. This comprehensible measurement procedure led to a comprehensible theory of relativity. However, when it was discovered that measurement changes the state of a quantum system, quantum mechanics was developed. Richard Feynman, the creator of relativistic quantum mechanics, had valid reasons to claim no one understood quantum mechanics. In Newton's mathematical physics, the principle of least action is the third integral. For uniform rectilinear motion, action is the product of energy and time. In other cases, the principle of least action is a rather strange integral principle, which claims that a macroscopic particle searches for a path and chooses the one where the magnitude of action is the smallest. The principle of least action has an amazing history.
Einstein showed (Einstein 1965a, b.), that Newton's mechanics is wrong; however, the principle of least action works in the theory of relativity. Feynman derived relativistic quantum mechanics from the principle of least action (Feynman, Hibbs, 1965).
Today, all developers of robots understand that, in order to predict the future, it is necessary not only to make a measurement, but also to conduct a real calculation. Therefore, the cost of an action becomes an intelligible characteristic. Indeed, in the computational process, it is the cost of an action that is essential as each computational operation requires the expenditure of free energy and time, and most of the operations can be performed in parallel. Actually, the principle of the least cost of action for measurement and calculation is the principle obeyed by all living things in the course of their functioning. If the production of measuring equipment is paid for and calculation has no influence on the problem being solved, we have conventional physics.
To understand the fundamental difference between the measuring and computing systems of robots and living beings, it is enough to look at how they move. The measuring and computing units of robots are already close to the limit imposed by the laws of physics on macroscopic equipment [yet they are still markedly inferior to those of living beings].
The first principle of Chaimatics: minimum price of action for measurement and calculation
The first principle of Chaimatics can be verified by а direct experiment. It is necessary to show that the cost of action for a single operation in а neuron approaches Planck’s constant, which is the minimum possible value for this variable. We believe this can be done by illuminating a neuron with hypersonic modulated laser beams. We assume that the resulting hypersonic waves propagate along the neuron’s cytoskeleton and control the ion output ion channels that are sensitive to cAMP. The output channels of the neuronal body should be detected by cAMP injection.
We believe that hypersound of a certain frequency effectively changes the duration of periods when the output channels are open. By changing the frequency of laser amplitude modulation, it should be possible to determine the frequency of hypersound generated by the input ion channels. Thus, it should be possible to prove that the computing environment of living cells is in a state of high-temperature superfluidity.
Experiment with an extreme quantum regulator
Another way to test the first principle of Chaimatics is to experiment with an extreme quantum regulator (EQR). We believe that such a device is personal self-awareness that controls one’s body based on input about the body and the surrounding world received from the brain during waking hours (Liberman et al., 1989). We assume that personal self-awareness is not a program that runs on molecular computers and neural networks, but a special device, which, in addition to achieving the minimum cost of action for an operation, is also built of elements of the minimum possible size. The main computational process in the brain takes place inside the noisy molecular computers of neurons. There is no noise in the personal consciousness of each person. A four-dimensional three-colored world full of smells is there. Music is playing there. Therefore, we do not believe that this device can be assembled from the QMR of nerve cells. Most likely, animals also have EQR—it is linked to the brain and governs human and animal behavior.
Temporary loss of consciousness can be caused by anesthesia, an electric shock or a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood. All these factors, apparently, change the state of the nerve cell membranes so that the EQR loses its connection with them. However, a blow to the head, leading to temporary loss of consciousness, does not affect the condition of the membranes. It is possible that the EQR has an inert mass and therefore loses its connection with the brain. Precise weighing of an animal just prior to and immediately after its death can demonstrate the reality of the EQR.
Currently, the only potential way to influence the EQR without affecting the brain is to use a powerful beam of particles that practically do not interact with ordinary matter.
For example, you can see if the behavior of a grasshopper changes under the influence of an intense beam of neutrinos passing through it.
Lel Drachev and I performed such an experiment on ourselves using the A.L. Mintz accelerator in Serpukhov, and I was the only one who managed to feel just one of the many neutrino pulses, possibly due to the insufficient intensity of the beam. It makes sense to repeat experiments on grasshoppers with more powerful accelerators.
The existence of the EQR can perhaps be demonstrated through comparatively simple experiments with the reproduction of Drosophila flies aboard а space station. I think that the period during which they remain able to procreate in space is short because, in contrast to bacteria, the ability to reproduce the body is insufficient for the procreation of a living creature that sees and flies where it needs to. There still needs to be an EQR, and the Earth is the repository of the EQR souls of living beings.
The second principle of Chaimatics: optimality
Modern physics uses the principle of relativity to describe the world. This principle states that all coordinate systems, including rotating ones, are equal. We were taught that the Earth revolves about its axis, and the firmament revolving around the Earth is an illusion. The general theory of relativity by Albert Einstein (Einstein, 1965a, b) has been already proved experimentally. Therefore, the movement of the firmament is not an illusion at all. Physicists who believe that general relativity is essential only where there are large gravitational fields are wrong. This theory has been experimentally proven on Earth by accurately measuring time at different distances from the surface. The closer to Earth, the slower the atomic clock goes. The movement of the firmament is not an illusion at all. We have a correct understanding of the structure of the world. However, the statement of the general theory of relativity about the equality of all coordinate systems is inapplicable to living beings.
Solving the problem of maintaining the equilibrium of a body in a system of fixed walls
The main idea of Chaimatics, which distinguishes it from modern physics, is that not only the influence of measurement but also the influence of computation on the problem being solved is essential for living things.
The optimality principle states that for complex systems there is a selected coordinate system in which the solution of the problem is possible without the influence of measurements and calculations on the problem being solved. We usually walk using the coordinates of stationary walls to solve problems in our brain. But if a person begins rotating in place with sufficient speed, then the walls begin to move in his mind. This effect is known as dizziness. For a scientific description of this well-known phenomenon, Svetlana Minina and I assumed that the neurons of the human brain freeze into a coordinate system rotating together with the body (Minina, Liberman, 1990). The computational complexity for solving the problem of maintaining the equilibrium of a body in a system of fixed walls becomes so great that it can no longer be solved without the influence of the computation on the problem being solved. Therefore, the task of a ballerina performing thirty-two fouettés, or the task of an athlete who does somersaults, is to spin the world around him as quickly as possible. The first experimental test of the principle of optimality was carried out in an aerospace laboratory on humans (Lackner, DiZio, 2000).
The subject was rotated around the vertical axis of his body and asked to quickly show with his hand where the target appears for a short time. At the same time, despite the fact that Coriolis forces acted on the subject's hand, all the subjects were practically never mistaken, since their brain sent a signal to the muscles: "to make the appropriate correction." Yet when the subjects were put on a virtual reality helmet, and their minds believed that they were spinning, everyone pointed to the target with errors. Their brains were sending corrections to the muscles of their arms for missing Coriolis forces.
What happens in the neurons of the brain during transition to the coordinate system rotating with the body?
We believe the cytoskeleton is being transformed. A relatively fast transition to a rotating coordinate system occurs due to a corresponding change in the structure of the computing environment in the body of neurons that control movements. This change can occur through a process similar to muscle contraction with the help of numerous different types of myosins in nerve cells (Cheney et al., 1993). It was possible to obtain new data supporting this hypothesis (Liberman et al., 2008).
The experiments were carried out on Mauthner fish cells, which control the movement of the tail. Neurons have receptor-controlled input and output ion channels. Receptors can be classified into three main types. The first type, under the influence of mediators, opens ion channels that send hypersound to the cytoskeleton. After passing through this computing environment, the hypersound drives the output channels. These channels trigger the generation of nerve impulse code. Which code goes along the axon to the next neuron determines the exact task that this neuron will select to act on from among all available tasks. Receptors of the second type send signals that cause a rapid, reversible rearrangement of the cytoskeleton. It is precisely such a rearrangement of the cytoskeleton in Mauthner's neurons that is needed for correct control of the tail during rotation around one axis. Receptors of the third type send signals that cause the disassembly of elements of the cytoskeleton to act upon non-standard tasks. The cytoskeleton is assembled and disassembled using programs recorded in DNA. If there are no appropriate programs, the cytoskeleton will not be assembled.
An example of such an unsolvable problem is the rotation of fish simultaneously around two mutually perpendicular axes (Fig. 6). Before the experiment, the fish were actively swimming. The ultrastructure of the Mauthner neuron dendrite is shown in Fig. 6а.
After two hours of rotation, the fish lost their ability to swim, and significant changes took place in the cytoskeleton (Fig. 6b). After three days of rest, the fish swam normally again, and the cytoskeleton recovered (Fig. 6c).

Figure 6. Impact of rotation on the Mauthner neuron of fish (Liberman et al., 2008). a – the ultrastructure of the Mauthner neuron dendrite; b – cytoskeleton changes after two hours of rotation; c – cytoskeleton recovery after three days of rest.
The third principle of Chaimatics: minimum irreversibility
The third principle states that the irreversibility of the “laws of nature” (which is not caused by a decision of control systems, for example, the order to detonate a hydrogen bomb) is relevant to the influence of measurements and calculations. This principle indicates the real reason for the irreversibility of "laws of nature", which cannot be simply deduced from the laws of physics that are reversible in time. The words "laws of nature" are not accidentally put in quotation marks. The fact is that in Chaimatics nature itself has no laws. There is only a program that living beings use for predicting the future after completing measurements and calculations, and behaving correctly based on these predictions. We hope that this principle will replace non-equilibrium thermodynamics in biology.
The third principle of Chaimatics helps explain the advantage of warm-blooded animals over cold-blooded animals, which need to warm up in the sun to move quickly. The point is that not only their muscles work better but, primarily, their brains work better. The old neurophysiology cannot explain why there is such an optimal temperature for the brain to function. Indeed, neither the speed of nerve impulse propagation nor synaptic transmission varies substantially with temperature changes by tens of degrees Celsius. We have just started realizing that the brain operates on intra-neuronal molecular quantum regulators using the cytoskeleton as a computing medium.
The faster the speed of movement of the elements that change the structure of the computing environment, the greater the rate of operation of such a regulator. It is necessary to demonstrate that the rate of movement of myosin secreted from the nervous tissue in actin reaches its maximum at an optimal temperature.
The fourth principle of Chaimatics: a new formulation of the principle of causality
According to this principle, the decision of the control systems causes regular events. Einstein, who was one of the founders of quantum mechanics, was the first to realize that the physical principle of causality no longer exists. The point is that quantum mechanics describes a system using a Ψ-function that changes instantly after an experiment is performed. For example, when measurements are made in London, at the same instant the Ψ-function in Moscow changes, while physical fields propagate at a speed not exceeding the speed of light.
Chaimatics draws attention to the real causes of events in the world. At first, the control systems decided to launch the Apollo spacecraft to the moon and only then they launched it. Physics cannot describe the world correctly. There are real control systems in our world. Animals are a special case of such systems. The “laws of nature'' are DNA texts rather than mathematical formulae. The need for Chaimatics arose because physics and mathematics are not only unable to describe living things, but they also say opposite things about our real world. Physics claims that the past state of a physical system determines its future; this is similar to the statement that there is no control. Mathematics, which, in our opinion, is entirely the science of control (this is applicable to the entirety of mathematics rather than just to cybernetics) assumes that control is complete, for example, when someone claims that one can be added to any number.
This does not take into account that in the real world there are always physical limitations of any human control. Due to the presence of gravitational forces, the rendering of a “number” written using 1050 symbols would have, at the very least, the same size as Jupiter, and it would be impossible to perform arithmetic operations on it. Mathematics is created in the heads of mathematicians, and the work of the brain also has physical limitations. Therefore, such mathematical abstractions as infinity and zero make sense only for the convenience of calculation.
That is why there is no chance of the programs written in molecular letters on DNA having appeared accidentally.
These programs determine not only the structure but also the behavior of every living creature. DNA texts for every blade of grass and every living creature have been written with full understanding of the structure of the real world. The basis of classical biology is Darwin's theory (Darwin, 1948). While creating a science that unites biology, physics and mathematics, we understand that all evolutionary theories, including physical theories rather than just biological ones (Davies, 1982), have no scientific meaning, since they cannot be verified by direct experiments. A real scientific experiment should contradict the views that existed before it and should be reproducible.
Discovery of links between the biology, physics and mathematics, and founding a new area of studies focused on computations in living systems are his life achievements. Efim Liberman gave the name of “Chaimatics” to this new area of science
DNA is the text of a code written for molecular computers of living cells. The notion of “Text” is intrinsically opposite to a random sequence of symbols, and it can exist only inside the system of language. In this case, it is a genetic language, which is isomorphic to a natural language
Computations conducted in a living cell are real physical actions, and free energy and time must be spent for completing them. As all living organisms are comprised of cells, this statement is applicable to any control processes implemented in the biosphere
Molecular computations are limited by the microscopic scale of a cell and inevitable impact of the computations on formulation of a problem begin solved. The Chaimatics grew from the recognition of the computation reality as the quantum mechanics grew from the recognition of the measurement reality.
A cell creates а quantum computing tool for solving complex problems. This tool utilizes hypersound quanta, and uses the cell cytoskeleton as the computing environment. In such a computer, a price of elementary computation converges to the physical limit, which is Planck’s constant
Chaimatic's statements are simple, but they require a change in the traditional vision, rooted in scientific practice
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Chapter I
The journey of life in science